Board directives



Patrick Verloo

Pediatric neurologist and metabolic diseases, UZ Gent
Vice-Chairman and Web Administrator

Vice-Chairman and Web Administrator

Dominique Roland

Pediatrician and metabolic diseases, IPG Gosselies
Dutch-speaking Secretary

Dutch-speaking Secretary

Hedwig Stepman

Metabolic laboratory, UZ Gent
French-speaking Secretary

French-speaking Secretary

Corinne De Laet

Pediatrician and metabolic diseases, HUDERF Bruxelles


Sandrine Marie

Metabolic laboratory, UCL Bruxelles

Board members

François Eyskens

Paediatrician metabolic diseases, UZ Antwerpen

Joseph Dewulf

Metabolic laboratory, UCL Bruxelles

Marie-Cécile Nassogne

Pediatric Neurologist and metabolic diseases, UCL Bruxelles

An Jonckheere

Pediatrician and metabolic diseases, UZ Antwerpen

Christine Verellen Dumoulin

Genetics, IPG Gosselies

Lionel Marcelis

Metabolic laboratory, HUDERF Bruxelles

Luc Régal

Pediatric neurologist and metabolic diseases, Huderf/UZ Bruxelles

François-Guillaume Debray

Genetics and metabolic diseases, CHU- CHC Liège

Jaak Jaeken

Metabolic diseases, UZ Leuven

Peter Witters

Pediatric hepatologist and metabolic diseases, UZ Leuven

Pieter Vermeersch

Metabolic laboratory, UZ Leuven

David Cassiman

Hepatologist and metabolic diseases, UZ Leuven

François Boemer

Metabolic laboratory, CHU Liège